The Scout Program is for youth aged 11-14 |
Enjoy mountain biking, rock-climbing, canoeing, kayaking, extended hikes and lots of camping. These are just a few of the adventures you’ll tackle in Scouting. You’ll enjoy your outdoor adventures as part of a team, working together with other young people to accomplish thrilling challenges. Scouting gives every member a chance to be a leader. It might involve running an activity, organizing a camp, or participating with other young people across your province or Canada in a youth forum. Scouts meet in a group called a troop. The troop is split into smaller groups called patrols. There is one leader for every six Scouts. Each Scout learns a promise, law and motto to help guide their personal development.
Scout Promise: I promise to do my best On my honour I promise that I will do my best To do my duty to God and the Queen To help other people at all times, And to carry out the spirit of the Scout Law.
Scout Law: A Scout is helpful and trustworthy, kind and cheerful, considerate and clean, wise in the use of all resources.
Scout Motto: Be Prepared